Welcome to the TRIBE!

Hi! I'm Claudia and I am so excited to start this new journey with you! For as long as I can remember fitness has not only been a passion of mine but an outlet, therapy if you will… A way to disconnect and pour into myself while developing a deeper sense of discipline, self awareness, and self-love. 

SHE is all about tapping into your super powers. All of us have the potential to reach any goal we set out for ourselves, but it won’t manifest unless you get started. And sometimes, getting started is the hardest part.

By joining me on this program YOU are saying "YES" to yourself. 

You are saying YES the highest version of yourself that you envision in your head.

You are saying YES to committing to making your health and fitness a priority, because investing in yourself is the greatest investment you will ever make. 

Exercise not only changes your body, but it also changes your mind. It enhances your mood and sharpens your attitude. 

We aren’t just working towards a physical change, we are changing our mindset and creating a full body + mind transformation.

Launching this program has always been a vision of mine and I am so grateful that you have joined me in our beginning stages. 

My goal is to help you achieve your goals through custom programs and nutrition, because not all of us have the same goals or the same starting point.

To make your journey intentional, fun, and empowering, so that you can develop a deeper sense of self awareness and awaken to your potential.

But it all starts with you! In order to be successful, you have to be willing to be coachable, committed, step outside of your comfort zone, and GO ALL IN ON YOU! 

Are you ready to push past your limiting beliefs, get uncomfortable, and put in the work necessary to start working towards your dream body and self? 

Be the creator of your reality, become the healthiest version of yourself. 
We’re in this together, are you ready?

Super Human Energy… Loading <3